The Ultimate Guide to Legal Analytics & Dashboard Software

September 27, 2024

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What is a Legal Dashboard & Analytics Software?

Legal dashboard and analytics software is more than a tool—it's a lifeline for legal departments to manage their ever-growing workloads. For General Counsels (GCs) and Chief Legal Officers (CLOs), the real challenge lies in gaining visibility over what’s happening in legal but also insights to drive business value. Using such legal department software, GCs and CLOs gain a centralized view of all legal data, consolidating every matter from request intake to resolution for a single source of truth. This real-time visibility allows them to track incoming matters, legal performance and communicate the department’s value to leadership. This creates more empowered legal teams that make informed and strategic decisions, and ultimately, drive business value.

Legal Intake to Matter Management Dashboard

By providing a single source of truth, this software empowers corporate legal departments  to make data-driven decisions, focus on high-impact work and align with broader business goals. 

Capabilities of Legal Dashboard & Analytics Software

These systems are equipped with real-time tracking capabilities, allowing legal teams to automatically monitor the status of all matters, reducing the need for manual updates or time-consuming meetings. Legal KPI dashboards Dashboards  are also an integral feature of these tools; they offer clear, visual representations of key performance indicators for in-house legal departments like matter volume, cycle times, workload distribution and the overall performance of the legal team. 

This software offers a suite of capabilities designed with legal departments at the forefront. Here are some of those key features:

Centralized Data Management: These systems consolidate all legal data into a single, centralized platform, providing a unified source of truth for all legal operations. This centralization ensures that legal teams have access to accurate and up-to-date information, eliminating the inefficiencies of managing multiple systems.

Checkbox Legal Analytics Dashboard & Metrics

AI-Powered Data Capture and Insights: Leveraging artificial intelligence, legal dashboard and analytics software provides real-time tracking and insights into legal operations. Through AI intake and triage, legal requests can be automatically captured from channels such as email (individual and shared legal inbox), Slack, Teams and more. Such matters are then intelligently categorized and directed to the most appropriate person on the legal team for resolution, with the status updated real-time throughout the matter lifecycle. Automation of this process eliminates bottlenecks and human error; while continuously feeding live data into dashboards. As a result, legal teams receive automated updates on the status of all matters, keeping them informed without the need for manual intervention or frequent, inefficient 1:1s just to understand what’s happening within the department.

Legal AI Powered intake & Chatbot Analytics & Dashboard

Unified Matter Management: With integrated intake and triage features, these platforms offer a comprehensive view of all matters, including their statuses and assigned owners. This unified approach helps streamline workflows and reduces the complexity associated with navigating various systems.

Legal Matter Management Dashboard

Advanced Reporting Capabilities: These tools offer robust reporting features that allow legal departments to move from reactive to proactive management. Customizable reports can be tailored to specific metrics such as matter volume, cycle times and workload distribution. This data-driven approach enables legal teams to better manage resources, anticipate needs and make informed decisions regarding headcount and budget allocations.

Legal Analytics Advanced Reporting Capabilities

Visual Dashboards: Visual dashboards transform complex data into intuitive, actionable insights. They provide full visibility, making it easier for legal leaders to monitor performance, track key legal department metrics and communicate effectively with other departments. This visual representation supports data-driven decision-making through legal storytelling and demonstrates the legal department’s value to the broader organization.

Legal Visual Dashboard Widget

Customizable Reporting Tools: The software includes flexible reporting options, offering both industry-standard templates and customizable widgets. This allows legal teams to generate reports that focus on the most relevant metrics, whether it’s analyzing contract review volumes, response times or workflow bottlenecks.

Legal Customizable Reporting Dashboard Views

Proactive Analytics: By harnessing the power of data, legal dashboard and analytics software helps departments transition from a reactive to a proactive function of the business. Insights derived from comprehensive data visibility enable teams to optimize performance, enhance operational effectiveness and align more closely with organizational goals.

Legal Analytics Live Data

User-Friendly Interface: Designed with ease of use in mind, these platforms offer intuitive interfaces that facilitate efficient data access and utilization, even for users who may not be highly tech-savvy.

Legal Analytics User Friendly Interface

By integrating these capabilities, legal dashboard and analytics software empowers legal teams to become more agile and responsive, contributing significantly to overall departamental and business success.

Challenges Legal Departments Face with Analytics, KPIs and Visibility

Legal departments often grapple with several challenges when it comes to leveraging analytics, setting KPIs for in-house legal departments and achieving visibility. These obstacles can impact their ability to become a high-performing legal team and align with broader strategic goals.

Data Centralization: Many legal departments rely on multiple systems and tools - like Jira and spreadsheets - to manage their work, leading to scattered data that is difficult to aggregate and analyze effectively. This lack of centralized legal analytics can hinder the ability to gain a comprehensive view of performance and make informed decisions. Without a unified source of truth, tracking KPIs for legal departments becomes challenging, as data from different sources may not align or provide a clear picture.

Manual Intake, Triage & Reporting: Without legal workflow software like Checkbox, legal teams are bogged down by time-consuming manual processes. Logging legal requests, assigning them to the best-fit lawyers and creating reports are often slow and inefficient tasks, lacking the speed and accuracy that real-time data provides. This outdated approach can leave legal teams struggling to keep up with the demand from the business as there is no streamlined way to manage workloads or demonstrate value effectively. On top of that, to use tools such as Excel or spreadsheets to manually create reports further emphasizes the tedious effort required where by the time they’re done, the data is no longer relevant or accurate.

Limited Analytics Capabilities: Even when legal departments use analytics tools, they may struggle with limited capabilities of tools if they are not designed specifically for legal teams. Basic analytics might not provide the depth of insights needed for strategic planning or operational improvements. High-performing legal teams require advanced analytics to interpret complex data and identify areas for enhancement. Inadequate analytics tools can prevent legal teams from leveraging data to its full potential, impacting their ability to drive performance and align with wider business objectives.

Lack of Visibility: Achieving visibility into all aspects of legal operations is another significant challenge. Without effective legal analytics and reporting tools, it can be difficult for legal leaders to obtain a clear, real-time view of matters, workloads and ownership. This lack of visibility can hinder the ability to make data-driven decisions and manage resources. 

Integration Issues: Integrating analytics tools with existing systems and workflows can be problematic. Legal departments may face difficulties in ensuring that their analytics solutions work seamlessly with other platforms, such as spreadsheets, which typically don’t have proper integrations with other systems. This can lead to inefficiencies and inaccuracies in data reporting and analysis, complicating efforts to achieve strategic objectives.

Addressing these challenges requires a thoughtful approach to selecting and implementing legal analytics tools, setting meaningful KPIs for the in-house legal department and ensuring visibility across the department. By overcoming these obstacles, legal departments can better align their efforts with strategic goals, improve performance and position themselves as valuable contributors to the organization’s success.

Benefits and Solutions of Legal Dashboard & Analytics Software

With data at the forefront of an increasingly analytical business landscape, legal departments must adapt to ensure they operate efficiently and strategically. Implementing legal dashboard and analytics software offers transformative benefits for legal teams, from improving operational performance to demonstrating their value to the business. By leveraging KPI dashboards for legal services, General Counsels and Chief Legal Officers can gain real-time insights into essential metrics they need to communicate value to the business. These tools provide a comprehensive view of performance, helping legal departments transition to a more strategic function in the business.

With the rise of corporate legal analytics software, teams can take advantage of AI and predictive analytics to anticipate legal needs, streamline workflows and optimize resource allocation. These legal KPI dashboards enable legal teams to spot bottlenecks and make data-driven decisions that enhance both legal operations and broader business outcomes. Additionally, customizable dashboards allow teams to track specific KPIs that matter most to their operations, whether it’s monitoring contract review times or managing litigation risk.

The use of AI-powered dashboards goes beyond simple reporting—these platforms provide actionable insights by visualizing complex data in a clear, cohesive manner. GCs can easily communicate legal performance and trends to leadership, showcasing the legal department’s impact on business growth. By embracing legal dashboard and analytics software, teams gain the tools to continuously improve and scale their operations.

Key Features and Functionalities to Look for in Legal Dashboard & Analytics Software

When choosing legal dashboard and analytics software, it’s essential to select a platform that provides robust features tailored to the unique needs of legal teams. Here are the key features to look for:

By focusing on these essential features, legal teams can streamline their operations. A well-implemented KPI dashboard for legal services and corporate legal analytics software can transform your legal department’s performance, positioning it as a proactive business partner.

Key Performance Metrics and KPIs Tracked by Legal Dashboard & Analytics Software

Tracking the right KPIs is essential for legal teams to manage and monitor their work performance to drive efficiency. Legal dashboard and analytics software provides real-time access to critical metrics that enable legal departments to make data-driven decisions. Here are some of the most important legal KPI examples and performance metrics that should be tracked:

  1. Matter Volume and Types of Legal Work

    1. Total Matter Volume: Understand the overall workload by tracking the number of matters handled by the legal department over time.

    2. Matter Types: Monitor the breakdown of work types, whether it’s contract reviews, regulatory matters, or compliance tasks. This helps identify where the team’s resources are being spent.

  2. Cycle Times and Matter Resolution Speed

    1. Average Matter Resolution Time: Measure how long it takes to complete a matter from intake to closure. Shorter cycle times indicate efficiency, while longer ones may suggest bottlenecks in certain processes.

    2. Contract Review Cycle Time: For contract-heavy teams, this metric helps track how quickly contracts are reviewed and approved, which is critical for reducing delays in business operations.

  3. Resource Allocation and Workload Distribution

    1. Workload by Team Member: Analyze how legal tasks are distributed across team members to ensure a balanced workload and prevent burnout.

    2. Resource Utilization Rate: Track the percentage of time legal team members spend on core legal work versus administrative or non-legal tasks.

  4. Business Satisfaction and Internal Feedback

    1. Satisfaction: Use surveys or feedback loops to gauge the satisfaction of business users with the speed and quality of legal services. This can be tracked as a KPI to improve service delivery.

    2. Response Time for Legal Requests: Track how quickly the legal team responds to inquiries or requests from internal stakeholders. Faster response times indicate better service and higher efficiency.

  5. Predictive Analytics Metrics

    1. Workload Forecasting: Use predictive analytics to anticipate future legal demands, such as peaks in contract requests or litigation matters, based on historical data.

    2. Risk Prediction: Analyze data to predict potential legal risks or compliance issues, enabling the legal team to take proactive measures before problems arise.

  6. Team Performance and Efficiency

    1. Task Completion Rate: Track how efficiently legal tasks are being completed and compare actual performance against set goals or deadlines.

    2. Staff Utilization and Efficiency: This metric helps understand how effectively the legal team is utilizing its resources, highlighting areas where improvements can be made.

By tracking these KPIs through legal dashboard and analytics software, legal departments can gain a clear view of their performance, optimize operations and make informed decisions. These insights help legal teams transition from reactive to proactive, allowing them to not only meet but exceed business expectations. Incorporating such metrics provides a complete picture of legal operations and helps demonstrate the department's value to leadership.

Other Legal Tech Solutions that Complement Legal Dashboard & Analytics Software

Matter Management Software


Enables in-house legal teams to efficiently manage legal cases, contracts, and projects.

Complementary Features:

Integrates seamlessly with legal dashboards and analytics software to outcomes in real time. This helps legal departments monitor performance, identify bottlenecks, and prioritize work effectively. By tracking KPIs for General Counsel and in-house legal department performance metrics, GCs can ensure their team aligns with business goals and optimizes resources.

Other Matter Management Resources

Legal Intake & Triage Software


Streamlines the process of collecting and categorizing incoming legal requests.

Complementary Features:

Works hand-in-hand with legal workflow software to ensure that all incoming requests are correctly triaged and routed to the appropriate legal professionals. By integrating with legal dashboard and analytics software, teams can assess the volume of incoming requests, time to triage and response rates, enhancing in-house legal department performance metrics and providing crucial insights for analytics and legal services.

Other Legal Intake & Triage Resources

Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Software


Manages the entire contract lifecycle, from drafting and negotiation to execution and renewal.

Complementary Features:

CLM software, when integrated with legal dashboard and analytics software, provides real-time visibility into contract stages, renewal dates and risks. This ensures legal teams are staying proactive and aligned with business goals while optimizing contract outcomes. The analytics can track contract turnaround time, compliance rates, and contract value—key KPIs for General Counsel.

Other CLM Resources

Document Automation Software


Automates the creation, review and approval of standard legal documents.

Complementary Features:

When combined with legal matter management software and dashboards, document automation tools streamline workflows, reduce manual errors and increase efficiency. Legal departments can measure document processing times and accuracy as part of their in-house legal department performance metrics, using these insights to improve overall productivity.

Other Document Automation Resources

AI-Powered Legal Chatbots


Automates routine legal inquiries and processes through AI-based conversations.

Complementary Features:

These chatbots integrate with legal workflow automation and matter management systems to handle FAQs, intake requests or common legal tasks, reducing manual effort for the legal team. By analyzing data captured through chatbots, legal analytics can reveal insights on recurring queries, time saved and overall efficiency improvements—valuable KPIs for General Counsel to demonstrate the impact of automation on in-house legal department performance metrics.

Other AI legal chatbot resources

Legal Workflow Automation


Automates repetitive tasks and workflows to improve efficiency and reduce human error.

Complementary Features:

Integrates with legal dashboard and analytics software to provide real-time visibility into automated workflows, allowing legal teams to optimize their operations. GCs can measure workflow efficiency, identify high-impact areas for improvement and ensure alignment with broader business goals, all while tracking essential in-house legal department performance metrics.

Other legal workflow resources

How Legal Analytics & Dashboard Software Fits into the Legal Tech Ecosystem

Legal analytics and dashboard software is an integral component of the broader legal tech ecosystem, providing legal teams with the data-driven insights they need to make strategic decisions. These tools sit at the intersection of various legal technologies, synthesizing information from other systems—like contract lifecycle management (CLM), e-discovery platforms and legal matter management software—into a unified view. By offering real-time visibility into key performance metrics, legal dashboard software enables departments to track everything from one centralized platform. This consolidation of data helps legal teams not only monitor their performance but also anticipate future needs and optimize resource allocation, making the entire operation more efficient and proactive.

Legal analytics software enhances the value of other technologies by offering predictive insights that can inform decision-making across various legal functions. Whether it's identifying trends in litigation, tracking contract volumes or forecasting future resource requirements, the combination of AI-driven analytics and visual dashboards helps legal teams stay ahead of challenges. Combined with other tools in the legal tech ecosystem, legal analytics and dashboard software ultimately strengthens their position as key contributors to business growth.

Trends and Innovations in Legal Dashboard & Analytics Software

Trends and innovations in legal dashboard and analytics software are rapidly evolving, driven by advances in AI, automation and the increasing demand for data-driven decision-making in legal departments. One major trend is the integration of predictive analytics, where AI algorithms analyze historical data to forecast future legal needs, risks and workloads. This allows legal teams to anticipate potential challenges, optimize resource allocation and make decisions that align with business goals. Additionally, customizable legal metrics dashboards have become a key innovation, allowing legal teams to tailor their reporting and visualizations to track specific KPIs that matter most to their organization, enhancing both operational efficiency and strategic insights.

Another trend is the growing emphasis on real-time data reporting and the incorporation of visual analytics. As legal teams increasingly rely on data to communicate their value to leadership, intuitive, easy-to-read dashboards are essential for presenting complex information in a clear and actionable way. The shift towards cloud-based and mobile-compatible platforms is also a notable development, enabling legal professionals to access their dashboards from anywhere, fostering greater flexibility and collaboration. These innovations are not only streamlining legal operations but also empowering teams to drive better business outcomes by leveraging data more effectively than ever before.

The Future of Legal Department Analytics

The future of legal department analytics is set to be defined by increasing reliance on AI-driven insights, predictive analytics and real-time data reporting. As legal teams face growing pressure to demonstrate value and operate more efficiently, analytics tools will play a pivotal role in helping them forecast future legal needs, optimize resource management and align with broader business goals. With innovations in automation, customizable dashboards and cloud-based accessibility, legal departments will be able to make more proactive, data-driven decisions that enhance their strategic influence within the organization. Ultimately, legal analytics will shift the role of legal teams from reactive problem solvers to forward-thinking, value-driving business partners.

How can Checkbox help?

Checkbox is the premier intake and matter management platform tailored for General Counsels, providing a comprehensive solution for managing and tracking all legal work within a centralized framework. Our AI-powered intake and reporting capabilities enable legal teams to achieve automatic, real-time tracking of matters while still allowing lawyers to manage their workflows in a way that suits their individual preferences. Trusted by high-growth companies like Pinterest, SAP and Xero, Checkbox empowers legal departments to minimize administrative burdens and focus on strategic initiatives that drive business growth.

With Checkbox, legal teams no longer waste time navigating multiple systems or engaging in inefficient one-on-one meetings. Our platform delivers a centralized view of all matters, their statuses and assigned owners through AI-powered intake and matter boards, ensuring that updates occur in real-time. This streamlined approach not only enhances operational efficiency but also equips legal departments with the insights and tools necessary to effectively communicate their value to leadership. By utilizing visual dashboards, Checkbox transforms complex legal data into a cohesive overview, facilitating seamless communication about legal metrics and performance.

To learn more about what Checkbox can do for your legal department, book a call with one of our technology consultants or check out our interactive demo to learn more.

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