Legal Technology Terminology

Glossary of Legal Technology and Legal Automation Terms



























Agreement Generation

Agreement Generation is the process of automating the creation of legally binding agreements and contracts using software or digital tools.

Approval Process Control

Business approval processes are managed and controlled by approval process control.

Approval Workflow

Approval workflow is a type of workflow automation used to manage the approval process for tasks, projects, or documents.

Audit Trail

The audit trail consists of a record of all activities and transactions associated with a particular process, such as procurement or contract management.

Audit Workflows

Audit workflows refer to the processes and procedures involved in managing and conducting audits, such as financial audits or compliance audits.

Automated Risk Assessment

Automated risk assessment involves using technology to analyze and assess financial and operational risks automatically.

Automation Design

Automation design involves designing and implementing various automation processes and workflows to streamline business processes.

Automation Software

Automation software refers to various software tools used to automate various business processes and workflows.

Business Innovation Risk Assessment

New or innovative business ventures or processes are subject to many types of risks. Business innovation risk assessment involves analyzing and evaluating these risks.

Business Process Automation

Business process automation is the use of technology to automate repetitive and manual business processes to improve efficiency and productivity.

Case Workflow

The workflow for managing and tracking different legal or business cases, including document review and case management, is called a case workflow.

Claim Audits Workflows

The claim audit workflow involves managing and auditing insurance claims to ensure accuracy and compliance.

Claims Review Audit

A claims review audit involves ensuring that insurance claims comply with applicable policies and regulations.

Claims Workflow

Claims workflow refers to the process an insurance company or claims management organization follows to handle and process insurance claims.

Collaboration Tools

Collaboration tools facilitate collaboration and communication among team members, such as project management software and chat platforms.

Compensation Calculator

An employee compensation calculator helps employers determine fair and competitive compensation packages based on job duties, experience, and industry standards.

Compliance Automation

Compliance automation involves automating various compliance-related processes, such as monitoring or reporting, using technology.

Compliance Decisions

Compliance decisions refer to the process of making decisions regarding compliance with various regulations or standards, such as legal or financial regulations.

Compliance Experts

Professionals who specialize in legal, financial, or other aspects of compliance are known as compliance experts.

Compliance Reporting

Compliance reporting involves preparing and submitting various reports related to compliance with regulations or standards.

Compliance Solutions

A compliance solution is a collection of software tools or services that manage and make sure that regulatory and standard compliance is being met.

Compliance Tracking

Monitoring and tracking compliance-related activities, such as employee training and policy compliance, is part of compliance tracking.

Contract Automation

Contract automation involves using technology to automate various aspects of contract management, such as drafting, review, and approval.

Contract Drafting Tool

Contract drafting tool is a software application that simplifies and automates the legal contract creation process.

Contract Generation

By using pre-defined templates and rules-based software, contract generation automates the creation of legal contracts.

Contract Lifecycle Management

Contract lifecycle management refers to using software to track and manage the entire lifecycle of a contract, from its initial negotiation through its renewal or termination.

Contract Management

In contract management, various contracts are managed and tracked, including approvals and renewals.

Contract Negotiation Software

Contract negotiation software helps companies manage and streamline the process of negotiating contracts with vendors, customers, and other partners.

Crm Integration

A CRM integration combines various CRM tools with other business systems, such as procurement or contract management.

Decision Automation

Decision automation is the use of technology to automate human decision-making processes.

Decision Support

Decision support involves using technology to provide insights and recommendations to support decision-making processes.

Delegation Of Authority

Delegation of authority is the process of assigning decisions and responsibilities to employees based on their job roles and expertise.

Document Automation

Document automation is an automated process for document management involves automating multiple aspects of the process, such as document creation, review, and approval.

Document Generation

In document generation, data inputs and predefined templates are used to automatically create documents.

Document Management Systems

A document management system is a software tool used to organize, store, and manage electronic documents, such as reports, contracts, and invoices.

Drag And Drop Software

A drag and drop application or program allows users to move or manipulate objects or data visually, by selecting them, selecting a new location, and dragging them there, rather than using code to conduct actions.

E Procurement

E-procurement uses electronic systems and tools to manage procurement-related tasks.

E-Billing Software

E-billing software automates the creation and distribution of invoices.


Signing and executing various legal and business documents via electronic signatures is known as e-signature.

Enterprise Automation Software

The term enterprise automation software refers to various tools that are used by businesses to automate business processes and workflows.

Ethical Supply Chain Management

Achieving ethical standards throughout the supply chain

Expenditure Approval

Expenditure approval involves obtaining approval before spending on business expenses, such as travel or supplies.

Expert Process Automation

EPA is a technology that enables the digitization and automation of expert knowledge and processes

Expert Systems

It is an artificial intelligence (AI) technology that mimics the problem-solving capabilities of a human expert in a particular field by using knowledge, reasoning, and decision-making rules.

Finance Administration

Managing and overseeing finance-related tasks and processes, such as accounting, financial planning, and budgeting, is part of finance administration.

Finance Automation

Finance automation technology is used in finance automation to streamline and automate various financial processes, including budgeting, forecasting, and reporting.

Finance Risk Assessment

Financial risk assessment involves evaluating and analyzing risks associated with business decisions or activities, including investments and loans.

Hr Automation

HR automation technology is used to automate HR processes, such as onboarding, performance management, and benefits administration.

Hr Processes

HR processes manage an organization's human resources, including recruitment, onboarding, performance, training, compensation, benefits, relations, engagement, and workforce planning.

Hr System

HR systems are software that automate and manage HR processes, such as recruiting, hiring, onboarding, performance management, training, benefits administration, employee records management, and compliance reporting.

Hr Technology

HR technology refers to tools and platforms used by organizations to manage HR processes.

Hr Workflow Automation

Human resource workflow automation streamlines and automates human resource management processes, such as recruitment, onboarding, and performance evaluation.

Human Capital Analytics

The term human capital analytics refers to the use of data analytics and quantitative methods to gain insight into the performance, engagement, and impact of an organization's employees.

Human Capital Management

Management of human capital is the practice, strategy, and system developed by organizations for managing and developing their employees

Human Resource Management System

A Human Resource Management System (HRMS) manages and automates a wide range of HR-related tasks and processes within an organization.

In House Legal Software

In-house legal software refers to software tools used by internal legal teams for managing their day-to-day operations.

Information Security Risk Assessment

An information security risk assessment is the process of analyzing and evaluating various types of information security risks, such as data breaches and cyber attacks.

Intake And Triage

Intake and triage refers to the process of receiving, reviewing, and categorizing incoming requests or issues to the appropriate team.

Intake To Procure

Intake to procure is the process of identifying and analyzing procurement requirements before the procurement process begins.

Invoice Approval Workflow

Software automates and streamlines the process of approving invoices for payment, reducing the need for manual approval.

It Automation

The automation of IT operations and tasks through technology, such as software deployment, network configuration, and system monitoring.

It Procurement

The acquisition of hardware, software, and other technology-related products and services for a business or organization is known as IT procurement.

Legal Automation

Legal automation is the use of technology to automate legal tasks such as intake and triage, document drafting, contract review, and self-service advice.

Legal Document Assembly

Legal document assembly involves using software to automatically generate legal documents based on predefined templates and user inputs.

Legal Document Automation

Legal document automation is the process of using technology to automate the creation, assembly, and management of legal documents.

Legal Service Requests

Legal service requests refer to requests for legal assistance or advice, such as filing a lawsuit or drafting a contract.

Legal Services

Legal services refer to services provided by lawyers or other legal professionals, such as legal advice, representation, or document drafting.

Legal Technology

Legal technology refers to software, tools, and other technology used in the legal industry to streamline and automate various legal tasks.

Legal Tools

A legal tool is software that facilitates various tasks for lawyers, such as case management and document review.

Legal Triage Automation

Legal triage automation involves using technology to automatically categorize and prioritize incoming legal requests or issues, such as requests for legal advice or contract review.

Legal Workflow

A legal workflow refers to the process of managing legal tasks and cases, including case management, document review, and other legal functions.

Legal Workflow Software

A legal workflow software solution facilitates the management and automation of legal workflows and processes such as intake and triage, document drafting, contract review, and self-service advice.

Low Code Automation

In low-code automation, applications and business processes can be automated using visual interfaces and drag-and-drop tools with minimal programming.

Matter Management Systems

A matter management system are software that track legal matters such as cases, contracts, or regulatory compliance.

Modern Slavery Risk Assessment

Modern slavery risk assessment measures the likelihood and potential impact of employee exploitation on a company's operations and supply chains.

NDA Automation

In NDA automation, software is used to automate the drafting, review, and management of non-disclosure agreements.

No Code Automation

Using no-code automation, users can create custom applications and automate business processes without writing any code.

Onboarding Automation

Automation of onboarding refers to using technology to streamline the process of onboarding new employees, including tasks such as completing paperwork, providing access to systems and resources, and conducting trainings.

Pay To Procure

A pay-to-procure process involves reimbursing vendors or suppliers for goods or services acquired through the procurement process.

Payroll Management

Payroll management involves managing employee benefits, salary calculations, attendance tracking, and compliance with legal standards.

Performance Management

Employee performance management involves assessing and improving employees' performance, giving feedback, and dealing with issues associated with performance.

Platform Solution

A software solution that provides a comprehensive set of tools and capabilities for a particular industry or business process.

Workforce Management

A workforce management system includes scheduling, time tracking, and employee training, as well as managing and optimizing the company's workforce.

Workflow Management

Management of workflows and business processes by using tools and systems.

Workflow Automation

Workflow automation is the use of technology to automate the flow of work through a process or project is known as workflow automation.

Vendor Risk Assessment

Assessing and evaluating the risks associated with working with various vendors and suppliers.

Vendor Management

Assuring quality, cost-effectiveness, and compliance with vendors and suppliers is the purpose of vendor management.

Vendor Audits Workflows

Vendor audits workflows involve managing and conducting audits of vendors or suppliers to ensure compliance with various standards or regulations.

User Interface

A user interface is the design and layout of a software application or website.

Unattended Automation

Automation that can be performed without human intervention is unattended automation.

Third Party Integrations

An integration with a third-party system or service occurs when software systems can communicate with each other.

Tax Automation

Tax automation involves using technology to streamline and automate various tax-related processes, such as tax preparation and filing.

Tax Automation

Tax automation involves using technology to streamline and automate various tax-related processes, such as tax preparation and filing.

State Machine Workflow

Workflow automation where the next step is determined by the process's current state.

Sourcing Automation

Sourcing automation involves using technology to automate various sourcing-related processes, such as supplier identification or qualification.

Sourcing Automation

Sourcing automation involves using technology to automate various sourcing-related processes, such as supplier identification or qualification.

Service Automation

Automating the delivery and management of services, such as customer service and IT service management.

Sequential Workflow

It is a process of automating workflows in which each step depends on the successful completion of the previous one.

Self Help Legal Services

Using self-help legal services in-house refers to resources and tools that the internal legal department of an organization can utilize to resolve legal issues without the need for legal counsel.

Scheduling Automation

A scheduling automation system automates the scheduling of meetings, appointments, or other events, replacing manual scheduling with software.

Sales Proposal Generator

A sales proposal generator is a software tool that generates sales proposals automatically from predefined templates and user input.

Sales Contract Automation

A sales contract automation process involves using technology to automate the drafting, reviewing, and managing of sales contracts.

Rules Driven Workflow

Automation of workflows based on predefined rules or conditions.

Robotic Process Automation

Robotic process automation (RPA) involves the use of software robots, or bots, to automate repetitive, rule-based tasks.

Risk Management Workflows

The workflow of risk management involves managing and mitigating various types of risks, such as operational or financial risks.

Risk Assessment

Risk assessment involves analyzing and evaluating financial and operational risks.

Response Automation

Automated response systems, like chatbots or automated email responses, respond to inquiries or requests from customers or employees.

Request For Information

A request for information is a formal request for information from a business or organization, usually used for regulatory compliance or procurement purposes.

Recruitment Process Automation

Recruitment proecss automation involves using technology to streamline and automate aspects like resume screening, candidate sourcing, and interview scheduling.

Project Workflow

It represents the flow of work throughout a project as a series of steps.

Procurement Tracker

Various procurement-related processes, such as purchase orders, invoices, and contracts, can be tracked and managed through procurement trackers.

Procurement Software

Procurement software used to manage procurement-related processes, such as vendor selection, purchase order management, and contract negotiation, is referred to as procurement software.

Procurement Rules

A procurement rule is a set of policies and guidelines that govern the procurement process, including vendor selection, purchase order management, and contract negotiations.

Procurement Process

The procurement process includes vendor selection, purchase order management, and contract negotiation for the acquisition of goods and services for a business or organization.

Procurement Automation

Procurement automation involves using technology to automate various procurement-related processes, such as vendor selection or purchase order management.


As a business or organization, procurement refers to the process of acquiring goods or services.

Procure To Pay

Pay-to-procure refers to the process of acquiring goods or services through the procurement process, then paying vendors or suppliers.

Process Workflow

The flow of work through a business process is represented by the process workflow.

Practice Management Systems

A practice management system is a program that law firms use to manage their day-to-day operations, such as case management, billing, and scheduling.

Point Solution

A point solution is a software application designed to address a specific business need.

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