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Unless you’re a developer, chances are writing code just isn’t a part of your job description. So, when looking to automate your tedious and repetitive processes, you’ve either resorted to ad hoc workaround solutions like excel spreadsheets and hours of manual labour, or you’ve confided in the IT team. However, with IT teams occupied with a plethora of system maintenance and security work, you know it takes months for them to even get to your request. And once they do, their lack of subject matter expertise prevents them from building a solution that really addresses your team’s pain points. At this point coding your own application just isn’t plausible, so what do you do?
This is where no-code automation platforms come in. See how no-code platforms can be applied to your specific department here.
What Are No-Code Platforms?
No-code platforms are as straightforward as they sound; promising alternatives to traditional software applications, allowing business users with no technical experience to build business applications from scratch. These platforms are expertly engineered to reduce pressure on IT teams and to encourage business users to create applications in the field using drag and drop.
Why No-Code When Developing Applications?
Business users and IT teams face three main problems.
1) IT departments are unable to prioritize low-value automation projects requested from the business
As a result, any automation projects passed on to the IT team often takes a long time to deliver as it gets added to the already heavy IT backlog. Further, changes in the future regardless of complexity, will face the same challenge of delay as business users continue to rely on IT to prioritize their requests.
2) Department specific processes and expertise are difficult to automate because IT departments do not have subject matter expertise
This means that business users are faced with the challenge of communicating their processes and expertise to IT teams, which often results in a disconnect between what is required, and what is built This disconnect also makes the process more inefficient and restricts the ability to be agile.
3) Business users often resort to shadow IT tools which IT departments have low visibility over
Because IT teams are focused on maintaining existing systems, fixing bugs and data governance, business users often end up using “Shadow IT Tools” to manage their department specific processes which IT departments have very low visibility over. This introduces risk into the organisation due to the absence of a proper governance framework.
This is where no-code platforms fill the gap, creating a win-win for both the business functions and the IT department. No-code platforms are designed to leverage the subject matter expertise of business users and provide them with an easy-to-use platform which empowers them to build their own application and solve their problem. For IT departments, this means reducing the number of low-level requests entering their backlog so that they can focus on more strategic, company-wide IT projects. And because no-code platforms provide centralized access and visibility of applications and data, this provides the suitable data governance and release processes that are important for IT teams.
What Are The Benefits of No-Code?
1) Saves IT from becoming the bottleneck for digital transformation
Prior to the implementation of no-code, business users have been completely reliant on the IT department and their time constraints to push digital automation projects. With no-Code platforms, business users can complete the process from end-to-end without the need for IT intervention.
2) Frees up the time of IT professionals to focus more on meaningful tasks
The introduction of no-code does not mean that IT teams will be out of work. Instead, it means that developers will spend less time fixing bugs and updating existing programs and have more time dedicated to adding strategic value and building high impact, high complexity applications.
3) Enables a faster delivery of applications and quick responses to change
With business requirements constantly changing it becomes difficult for software developers to keep up using traditional methods of coding. No-code platforms facilitate agility and speed in a business which allows the business user to make changes and build applications within a few days instead of spending months.
4) Lowers risk and increases ROI
Traditional IT projects can be very expensive and time consuming and carry the risk of becoming outdated once the project is done. With no-code development platforms, the ideation to deployment process is quick and is centralized on one easy to use platform that does not require external resources which increases ROI.
No-Code Application Development
Build automation solutions with customisable rules, logic, and calculations to support decisioning. Learn more about no-code application development below.
Frequently Asked Questions
What technologies enable digital transformation?
No-code platforms are essential in enabling digital transformation organization-wide. Because they provide an alternative to traditional softwar applications, they allow business users with no technical experience to build business applications from scratch, meaning departments no longer need to rely on IT for building solutions.
How do no-code platforms work?
These platforms are expertly engineered to reduce pressure on IT teams and to encourage business users to create applications in the field using drag and drop.

Checkbox's team comprises of passionate and creative individuals who prioritize quality work. With a strong focus on learning, we drive impactful innovations in the field of no-code.